
From the train this morning I saw some cloches in the Faculty of
Agriculture’s market garden.
So what are cloches?  They are made of plastic or glass, often shaped
like a bell, a dome or one half of a tube and they are used to protect
seedlings and small plants from frost, wind and other elements that
might damage them.

The word is from the French word for bell but they have become more
varied in shape over the years. Their portability allows you to move
them around the garden.

In New Zealand the pronunciation used was the `o´of `close` and an `sh`
to finish cloash.





Watching an interview with Miami mayor Tomas Regalado, and thinking

it was an unusual surname if translated into English (given away, given

as a present), I remembered that we have the word regale in English.

She regaled us with stories of her years as a rebel teen at boarding


This use is the most common in my opinion. To entertain with stories,

tales, jokes.

There is another meaning which is to entertain lavishly.

The kitchen regales diners with 5 star Cordon Bleu cuisine 6 nights a


Apparently the word regale entered the English language from the

French around 1656 and has its origins in Middle French.